All the material in these pages is from public sources or from consenting interviews.
If you are considering a relationship with Earl de Blonville, do yourself a favor and read through the material on these pages.
Forewarned is Forearmed.
Update: 2016/2017 Victoria Police cyberstalking investigation.

Click the cartoon for Earl de Blonville, Viscount of Saxmundham’s CV which he submitted with his application to the School of Graduate Research (SGR) at Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) and posted on
I’m an amateur investigative journalist. In researching for an article about self-made explorers I have gathered considerable background material regarding Earl de Blonville’s career. Based on the information I have gathered from Earl, from public records and from voluntary interviews with friends, associates, family, employees, co-workers, clients, sponsors, employers, educational institutions, etc. (and in the absence of clarification of many questions by Earl) I can only conclude that Earl is at best a modern Walter Mitty and at worst a grifter and con man, potentially guilty of fraud (RMIT). If you would like access to the full material click here.
Why this website? Websites are cheap and powerful platforms for communication. Earl de Blonville and several other “explorers” all have exploited those qualities to promote themselves professionally. When that promotional effort includes fraud and intentional embellishment the same cheap and powerful website platform, like this one, is one way to present facts and point out the deceptions.
If you have factual information about Earl’s professional activities or personal experience with Earl, feel free to contact me, Kent Madin, at

Earl de Blonville, victim of “Cyberstalking”:
From Earl’s own website, writing about himself in the third person: : “Earl de Blonville has faced death many times on Arctic expeditions, but nothing could have prepared him for the psychological stress and sense of vulnerability that Cyberstalking unexpectedly inflicted on him.”
I, Kent Madin, am Earl’s alleged “cyberstalker”. His stress and sense of vulnerabilty results from the fact that I asked him to explain the background of an endorsement of Ripley Davenport he published on LinkedIn. At the time Earl made the endorsement, Davenport was already well documented as a fraud and “faux” explorer. As it turns out, the endorsement was based on no direct knowledge of Davenport, but rather on Earl’s infatuation with his own prose. Rather than answer and set the record straight, Earl began a series of bizarre responses, a jumble of indignation, psychobabble, school yard name calling and threats of civil and criminal punishment. It’s all very clearly documented in the email record and I am happy to speak with anyone who has questions on this subject. Earl’s claim to being a victim of cyberstalking has been reviewed and definitively rejected by three different police authorities; the Bozeman, Montana police, the Melbourne, Victoria police and the Federal Bureau of Investigation in the United States.
Earl doesn’t seem to understand what cyberstalking is and why his claiming to be a victim of same is preposterous. The elements that are necessary to constitute cyberstalking are electronic communications and credible threat of physical or emotional harm. In fact, the vast majority of cyberstalking also includes anonymity on the part of the stalker. And the vast majority are men stalking women with sexual and violent overtones. My research on Earl’s career, reaching out first to him and then to those who know him, has always been transparently in my own name, declared as journalistic inquiry, has never contained any threat physical or otherwise and has never had any element of sex or violence.
Oddly, Earl’s death-defying adventures don’t translate into having the backbone to respond to requests for clarification of his many professional claims. Earl is an accomplished self-promoter, one would think he would be proud to elaborate upon his experience. Ironically, he has declared himself both a victim of cyberstalking and an instant expert on the subject. Earl even briefly tried to hire himself out to speak on the subject as this page shows. The page is from 2014 and flatly states that the cyberstalker was “brought to justice”! You can enjoy Earl’s video pitch for speaking jobs yourself (large file!). While watching, keep in mind that Earl has never answered a single question relative to his professional claims or offered any clarification of glaring discrepancies in his CV.
May 20, 2016 UPDATE: Earl is now blogging on the subject of cyberstalking, veering into hyperbolic hysterics and away from any semblance of factual basis for his assertions. . (Note: this blog comes and goes, alternately erased, then resurrected, then “locked”. If you find the blog “locked” contact me for archival copies.) Many readers who have personal experience with Earl will recognize the eerie similarity between the traits of a narcissistic cyberstalker and Earl himself. Earl’s blog can be characterized as “shouting insults at a mirror”.
June 25, 2016 UPDATE: On June 24, Earl posted an entry called “AK’s vs Popguns”. The post included a youtube video from my account (without permission) in which I described for a friend, the nature of a “spud gun”, a homemade cannon firing chunks of potato propelled by hairspray. Apparently, the purpose of the post was to cleverly mock me as someone who wasn’t allowed to buy a real gun (AK) and therefore had to build my own (Popgun). Go figure. So I annotated the video and less than 24 hours later, all of Earl’s ramblings on the subject of cyberstalking, including the Ak post, were gone. Perhaps he’s had a change of heart. Click on the AK’s link to read the original post, click HERE to see the annotated video.
July 25, 2016 UPDATE: Earl has now created a second blog with special focus on his obsession with cyberstalkers: .
This is very odd since Earl is the primary author and owner of, (and mirror site a text book example of cyberstalking: anonymous, full of lurid, unsubstantiated libelous statements. Earl shares authorship of this content of the website with Ripley and Laura Davenport and Cuchullaine and Basha O’Reilly. But the design and the venom are all Earl’s. (As of May 20, 2015 the host of has suspended the site but clicking above will take you to an archived version.) You can click this link to see the WHOIS listing naming Earl de Blonville as the owner of (although a basic WHOIS search shows the ownership anonymized). Both URL’s are now for sale, but I invite anyone with access to a domaintools account to check for themselves. Search the Whois history for the URL’s above and, in Domain History, you will see for yourself that the first purchase of these URLs was on Jan 12, 2014 by Earl de Blonville. The record shows that minutes later, Earl “anonymized” the record. This was an incredibly ham-handed effort to hide his ownership of the site. Both the Bozeman Police and the FBI office in Bozeman have reviewed the evidence of Earl’s ownership of
In addition to Earl purchased and in July of 2013, six months prior to purchasing (and deploying) and See for yourself: here and here.
Perhaps this article explains Earl’s condition:
Earl de Blonville’s FAILED SCHEMES: “Teenage Climate Saviors to Greenland”. Proposed in 2005 (when the URL was purchased) and never did anything but create a website and look for money. Has been “temporarily suspended” for a decade. Interviews with various people identified as “staff” indicate that nothing ever happened. This site used to be “Wealthy Captains of Industry in Need of Leadership Training to Greenland”. This program has been renamed “Expedition Desperation Island” (and the irony of the title seems lost on Earl) It purports to be a scientific expedition focusing on climate change. No further information available since the entire website is a single image. Period. But, apparently the plan is that someone will give Earl lots of money and he will refit the two aging wooden sailboats he and his girlfriend own and turn them into arctic exploration vessels. This was a program using one of the above referenced aging sailboats. Earl convinced his girlfriend, who had little or no experience with sailing, to purchase the ‘Tarnan’ for use as a floating leadership training center featuring a diet of French cuisine and Earl’s pearls of Postformal Leadership wisdom. The project was based on Earl’s keen insight into the critical dearth of leadership training programs aimed at people who were already successful, wealthy captains of industry. Earl realized their critical and unserved need to listen to pseudo-academic gobbelydegook on the high seas from someone like Earl, drawing from his own extensive experience as a commercial and academic failure. Much like the programs referenced above, Earl took the liberty of annointing, on his websites, a number of prominent personalities as staff, scientific staff and adjunct faculty without their permission or in some cases knowledge. Here is a copy of the “crew” page from with comments on Earl’s character from the professional sailors he hired, then stiffed.
Renovation of Tallship Carola: In January of 2013, Earl de Blonville “obtained” an 80 year old sailboat named Carola. The ship belonged to a youth sailing organization which taught traditional sailing techniques in Germany. I say “obtained” because the seller, a Mr. Matthias at Verein Jugendsegeln declines to discuss the terms of the sale. Other sources indicate that the ship was purchased for a very nominal amount, perhaps a single Euro, based on a: the rising cost of maintenance for the youth group of a very old wooden ship and b: Earl’s assurances that he would completely refit and modernize the ship, thereby “saving” it as a treasured bit of sailing history. In the past four years Earl’s “full restoration” of the Carola amounted to little more than renaming the vessel as Courage, while it sat, dismasted in harbor (rather than following the old advice of ‘always sail a ship for a year before making changes’) Earl has a propensity for renaming old sailboats which already have perfectly good, venerable names. Also in 2013, Earl talked his girlfriend into buying an even older, bigger sailboat, the Tarnan and renaming it “La Boheme”. It is also for sale. The Grand de Blonville Fleet is yet another failed Grand Scheme. Click on the link at the beginning of the paragraph to see the sales pitch for Carola. Earl’s asking price is ten thousand Euros.
The above Grand Schemes span the last decade. They are all failures, proven by the market for both investment and the market for ideas. Flat out, full stop. Failures. What is the consistent element that those failures all share? Earl de Blonville, the man himself. His vision, his entrepreneurial “chops”, his inability to see that the greatest impediment to his realization of these schemes is his own inflated sense of his self-importance. In a nutshell, Earl believes his own bloviation.
UPDATE: After about six months of investigation into allegations of cyberstalking brought before the Bozeman Police Department by Laura Davenport and Basha O’Reilly, with the covert (and frankly, cowardly) support of Earl de Blonville, the City Attorney, Mr. Greg Sullivan ( finds that the allegations are baseless. (June 2015 Update) The local office of the FBI has now interviewed me and come to the same conclusion.
This January 2016 appeal of a gag-order for alleged “cyberstalking” is instructive. These were well funded, heavyweights in the entertainment business and after the best efforts of both sides lawyers, the gag-order was rescinded and for clear, logical reasons:
Although Earl carefully kept his name out of the specific allegations, he coordinated closely with Laura Davenport and the O’Reilly’s, providing some of the most lurid and distasteful elements of the smear campaign. These included veiled allusions to sexual deviance and bestiality plus pseudo-scientific assertions that I am a psychopath. Earl also contributed over 45 of the 120 names on the “Master List” of victims of my cyberstalking. The vast majority of the people on the list had no idea they were being included. Sadly for the “legions of international victims” their efforts to have me arrested were categorically rejected by the authorities.
He won the hearts and minds of the Bozeman authorities with his suggestion the corrupt “old boy” network of Bozeman was protecting me.
First email exchange with Earl de Blonville, otherwise known as: “When Earl jumped the Shark”.
Earl de Blonville’s career at Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology.