Earl de Blonville has a history of spruiking grand schemes involving sailing ships and leadership, all with himself as the guru and central figure. None of those previous schemes ever proceeded past a nice website and unsuccessful efforts to raise funds.
Arcticexplorer.com (listed as beginning in 2010) proposed to take wealthy businessmen to Greenland where they would learn “leadership” from de Blonville at 100k dollars per person.
Arctic Climate Leadership Challenge (arcticexplorer.net) (listed as existing for 6 years) was a program to take high school students on expedition to Greenland and train them to be future climate change policy “influencers”.
Then there was 9sails.com offered in 2013. The program purported to teach already successful businessmen how to be “leaders” in the style of Earl de Blonville, himself, arguably a failed businessman. (de Blonville’s self-published book, Seventh Journey is estimated to have sold in the “hundreds”, de Blonville claims to have been cheated out of a playground company he started in Britain in the 2000’s). All this was to take place aboard the La Boheme, eating great food and wine, sailing along the Brittany coast.
None of them happened.
That did not stop de Blonville from representing them on his CV as if they were ongoing, multi-year programs. That’s three distinct programs all following the same model and all came to naught. Oceanic Research Institute is de Blonville’s fourth such program whose story is just unfolding.
NOTE: Until late 2019, the websites of arcticexplorer.com, arcticexplorer.net, 9sails.com, earldeblonville.com (Earl de Blonville’s ORIGINAL website) were all archived over the span of roughly ten years at archive.org (Wayback Machine). de Blonville has now gone to the considerable trouble of demanding that those archives be destroyed. He has intentionally obliterated the online records of his own professional history.
I repeat. Earl de Blonville has intentionally erased the public records of his various failed schemes.