I’m Kent Madin and I live in Bozeman, Montana with my wife of 40 years, Linda, various cats, horses sometimes and a super view of the Bridger Mountains. I’m retired from a 45 year career as an adventure travel entrepreneur, outdoor educator, Outward Bound Instructor and river/climbing/sea kayaking guide. The American West, Baja California, Mexico, China, Tibet, Mongolia, Argentina and Uruguay are where I have practiced my trade. I speak Spanish pretty fluently and am comfortable with basic conversation in Mongolian and German. I was one of the founders, in 1975, of Boojum Institute, a environmental education organization which thrives to this day.
Since 1985 I have used the cyber highway to great success in pursuing my career, starting with transmitting simple text pages via 300 baud modem from San Diego to our travel operations center in La Paz, BCS to being, in 1990, among the first “modem cowboys” in Montana, using the internet to communicate to our staff and partners in China, Mongolia and South America and to market our adventures around the world.
At 16, I published my first article in the magazine of the Sierra Club. It was titled “The Mountains Are My Home”. I got a $10 honorarium so I guess I can claim to be a professional journalist. 😉 My most recent publishing project was a collaboration with two Danish journalists at Politken, Denmark’s largest newspaper, telling the story of fake explorer Ripley Davenport. In 2021 I collaborated with journalists from Fyns Amts Avis, the Swedish newspaper, to publish a series of articles about Earl de Blonville’s most recent scheme, Oceanic Research Institute.
Contrary to the following characterizations of me by Earl de Blonville, Ripley and Laura Davenport and Cuchullaine and Basha O’Reilly I am not a: cyberstalker, psychopath, deranged, dying of cancer, cuckold, High-End Aspergers, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder sufferer, mentally ill, troll, Fixated Loner, closeted gay, business failure, impotent, “ticks all the boxes on the Hare Psychopathy Checklist”, unhinged, an embarrassment to my siblings or a disgrace to my family. It is true, however, that I am “known to police in five countries” (US, UK, Ireland, Australia.. not sure what the fifth is). I owe that honor to Earl et. al because those agencies have all investigated the absurd allegations of the “faux explorers” and found them baseless and unsupported by any evidence. The final epithet that Earl de Blonville has deployed is to call me an “elderly American” which is bizarre since Earl and I are the exact same age. Go figure.