Earle de Blonville: A Legend and a Victim..In His Own Dreams

On April 7, 2024 ORI’s non-profit status was voluntarily revoked. Oceanic Research Institute is over with no explanation from the principals, Earl and Jennifer, about where the money went.

UPDATE September 2023: The classic, 100 year old Schooner ‘La Boheme’, the “flagship” of Oceanic Research Institute, has followed Earl’s sailboat ‘Courage’ into the landfill in Denmark. Earl’s girlfriend, Jennifer Gidley, purchased the schooner in 2011 for several hundred thousand Euro. After ten years of failure to pay any of the fees and charges owed to the shipyard where La Boheme was abandoned, the sad schooner is being sliced up with a chainsaw and hauled away. Here’s a video of the chainsaw action: https://faa.dk/video/faa/video-on-demand/866ac887-a47f-41bb-b7d3-d25fe5da241d and the article in English is here: https://earldeblonville.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/La-Boheme-cut-up-destroyed-news-article-and-video.pdf

UPDATE July 2023: Earl de Blonville is no longer an Adjunct Professional Fellow at Southern Cross University, NSW. Jennifer Gidley is no longer an Adjunct Full Professor at SCU. The website for Oceanic Research Institute has gone dark. Earl no longer mentions ORI on his LinkedIn site. Gidley makes no mention of ORI in her online bios. The entire ORI/SCU “Save the Ocean with electric sailboats” scam appears to be kaput. Over the course of 6 years, ORI raised no significant money, accomplished none of its promised goals. 6 years of blustering, pontificating, promising, bragging and failing.

This website is an Internet cyber-highway billboard. It’s meant to catch the eye of anyone with direct knowledge of Earle de Blonville’s career. Created in 2013, the site continues to attract varied sources on Earl de Blonville’s professional history from his youth to the current day. It is part of a journalism project about self-declared “explorers” who promote themselves with the implied veracity of the internet. Earle is not cooperating with the project and refuses to answer the most basic questions about inconsistencies, exaggerations, and outright falsehoods that populate his career and his much-trumpeted, carefully crafted professional myth.

Earle has a very high opinion of himself and spends a lot of time crafting his public image. Click here to see how Earle de Blonville sells himself and wants you to see him.


Of necessity, it has also morphed into a repository of information addressing Earle de Blonville’s tired claim to being a victim of cyberstalking by yours truly. I have operated under my own name, never threatened Earl or anyone else and I have been entirely transparent about my purpose and willingness to engage.  I have successfully collaborated with journalists at Denmark’s Politken and Fyns Amts Avis newspapers. Those collaborations drew extensively on my web-based research and resulted in exposes of Ripley and Laura Davenport and Earl de Blonville and Oceanic Research Institute. Earle’s response throughout has been puerile name-calling, speculation about my character, mental health, sexual preferences, and a complete refusal to answer basic questions about his dubious professional claims. Earle has created and published a number of anonymous websites attacking me, full of feverish balderdash and childish lies. I have, as anyone would, pushed back against these ad hominem attacks. If you are one of the people who Earle has exhorted to ignore me as a mentally ill troll, troubled “Aspy” and “closet queer”, cuckold and psychopath I encourage you to a: read the material and b: think for yourself. 

If you have questions of me or wish to share information about Earle de Blonville or the Oceanic Research Institute, leave a comment or contact me, Kent Madin at:  rett139@yahoo.com   +1-406-595-2310